Little Tokyo Gazette #1

Cover Story | Serial Story | Pizza Time | Contributors

Pizza Time

This article was planned for reviewing pizza restaurants, so as to help any of you wild romantic rovers out there to win over that special lady, or just go solo and pig out.



Unfortunately, due to budget cuts, we can’t afford to eat out this week, so we figured we’d just show you this trick.


Margarita ala overcompensating for lack of toppings.


If the only frozen pizza you have in is a Margarita, you can give it a little oomph with this handy trick.


Before placing the pizza in the oven, drizzle some olive oil over it. Now grind in some sea salt and black pepper. Now whack it in the oven and wait.


So, yeah, this issue’s Pizza time article is kind of a waste of time. But hey, it adds a bit of kick. Happy Munching!