If you're hungry for more of the same, these shows have similarities to Samurai Pizza Cats.

Power Rangers Ninja Storm: The Pizza Cats have had a series of cameo's in the original Power Rangers series. However there
are a lot of similarities between Pizza Cats, and the Ninja Storm Power Rangers. This was the first series were it made several
in jokes, and made fun of itself in a similar way to Pizza Cats. Lothor, the main bad guy also breaks the fourth wall on ocassion,
such as one instance, after making the monster of the week grow, he would turn to the camera and say 'What do you expect?
He certainly wasn't going to get smaller!' The helmets are also similar in design to the cats. Even having the same shapes
on their gold helmet bars, as the pizza cat's helmet crystals. (The leader having a circle, the girl having a triangle and
the other man having a diamond shape.

Gambare Goemon/Legend of the Mystical Ninga: Classic video game series set in Edo period Japan with modern elements thrown
in. They have an Omitsu, who was likely the insparation for the KNT character, since she has a similar costume, job, and her
relationship with Goemon mirrors that of Speedy and Lucile. Goemon also uses Yatarro's favourite word 'Teyandee!'Several KNT
seiyu also provide the voices for the Goemon cast, such as Ebisumaru who is voiced by Dai Sensei/Guru Lou's actor.

Juni Senshi Bakuretsu Eto Rangers: This anime was made by the same people who made Kyatto Ninden Teyandee. Maria Kawamara
who voiced Usa Himi provides the voice of Tart, the chicken girl. Cream, the rabbit is very similar in design to Princess

Duel Masters: The US version of this show uses the exact same style of humour as Pizza Cats. Constant in-jokes, and making
fun of itself, along with pop culture references, and an almost non-existant forth wall.