Gameplay is very similar to the Ninja Gaiden titiles for the Nes.
Control Pad= Move
Direction twice= Run
A= Jump
B= Attack
Up + B= Ninpo attack
Cut scenes show the story progression. You don't need to be able to read Japanese to enjoy the game, sinc the gameplay
is simple, and the overall game is quite easy.

Choose your character!

You've just been BLOWN UP WITH PEOPLE!

'Aaaaah! Don't let the smootching bandit catch me!'
Durring the level, you can pick up items that change the Nipon technique your character performs. At first, they just have
their ninja dart attacks, but when you get a power up item, you get access to a different attack. Upon collecting a second,
you can acess your cat's finisher from the tv series.

Level 1 Ninpo

Level 2 Ninpo

Level 3 Ninpo 'Trust me, it'll look cool when you play it!'
There are a couple of obstacles that the three core Pizza Cats can't get past. Luckily, you can call on any of the four Helper
Nyanki at anytime, and harness their amazing powers to see you through.

'Lets see if we can get all the way to Brooklyn this time.'

He flies through the air with the greatest of ease!

'Yet another idea we had before Sega.'

'The things people flush down the toilets these days!'