Japanese name: Usa Hime
Animal: Rabbit
Group: Little Tokyo Council
Position: Head of the council. Ruler of the city
English Voice: Susan Glover
Japanese Voice: Maria Kawamura
The child
like young Princess of Little Tokyo. Get on her bad side, and she goes from being sweet as maple syrup to bitter as raw
coffee powder. Famous for her cries of 'Send him to Prisoner Island!''

Even without lip reading, I bet you can guess what she's saying.
Since her mother
left home to travel the world, and her father is a raving lunatic, young Violet has the duty of being in charge of the city.
While she does tend to throw tantrums and exile people when she doesn't get her way she does seem a fair ruler to an extent
and is liked enough to justify the Pizza Cats protecting her from the Big Cheese's evil schemes.

How could you hate a face this cute?
She can also
act quite kind hearted when the situation calls for it. When The Big Cheese was forced to adopt a lost child she offered him
the name Seymour Jr and ordered Big Cheese to open a day care centre and diaper service. She also loves her mother (who she
enjoys play brawling with) and told her that she'd rather have her back than a present from her mother's trip abroad.

A beautiful relationship built on love, trust, and launching missiles at each other.
She tends to
fawn over men more than the other female characters do. When the Big Cheese introduced her to a hypnotized baseball star that
he captured, the only word to pass her lips for a while was 'Swoon! Swoon! Swoon!'. Sometimes it is referred to in a
couple of episodes that she like Speedy too, but Bad Bird is her biggest crush. Like Pepe' Le'Peu, when she catches sight of Bad Bird she will chase him relentlessly and come
on very strongly to him. She remains blissfully oblivious to his rather aggressive declines to her advances.

Hell hath no fury like woman enamored.
The 'Usa' in her Japanese name comes from 'Usagi' which is the Japanese word for 'Rabbit'. 'Hime' is an affix which
translates as 'Princess' or 'Noble lady'.