Japanese name: Tokugawa Lei Lei Animal: Panda Group: Little Tokyo Council Position: Emperor (English Version)
Shogun (Japanese version) English Voice: Terrence Schammell Japanese Voice: Kenyuu Horiuchi
The 'Official'
ruler of Little Tokyo is the insane raving lunatic who always reminds you of his name in case you forgot from the last episode.

Daddy, I choose you!
Prior to the
events in the series, his wisdom teeth were removed. This supposedly explains everything. Apart from his name, he often sings

The meeting of the mindless.
He does sometimes
speak normally for comic effect. While he is the official ruler of Little Tokyo, his daughter Violet is the real big cheese
of the city. While a good arrangement, Fred is not immune to his daughter's discipline.

Prisoner Island's newest residents.
His Japanese
name Tokugawa comes from the name of a powerful Japanese family from the Edo period.