A peaceful night in Little Tokyo sees
the ninja crows on the prowl. An unsuspecting sushi maker walks home after being dared to walk home with his eyes shut. The
ninja crows ambush him and drag him away, waking his sister Lucille, who contemplates putting on a sweater.

Next morning at the Pizza Cats parlour
business is booming. After teasing Francine, Speedy sets out on a delivery as another call comes in from the home from wayward
girls, to which Guido secretly enjoys delivering to. After taking a fish to the face Guido blasts off.
Speedy races through Little Tokyo on
his own delivery, when he spots Lucille and makes a stop to hit on her. After falling down and having Lucille walk over him,
she finally notices Speedy and explains that her brother is missing.

Lucille explains about her brother (A
former lightweight sumo wrestler who now makes Sushi. A heck of a nice guy and great fun at parties.) He was once hired to
cook for the Big Cheese. However when the Cheese tasted Wally's new Mexican sushi, he fired the poor chef and told him to
forget about a guest spot on a cooking show. After that he lost all purpose in life.

Lucille says that he was kidnapped. Speedy
says she needs some comforting and they can worry about her brother later. Lucille cries at his insensitivity and nukes him
with a spray of missiles. As he picks himself up, Speedy resolves to figure out who snatched Wally. Lucille offers that it
was the Big Cheese.

Speak of the Devil, we now cut to the
palace, where Big Cheese warns Big Al that he suspects there will be a disturbance. Cheese returns to his chamber where Jerry
tells him that he ordered the sandwiches, had Cheese's kimono starched, and hypnotised the sushi maker. The conversation goes
into what Cheese likes to call 'Eyebrow humour'

Al calls the Pizza Cats to come over.
Francine shoots them off- At the wrong angle. The trio crash through a series of buildings before slamming into the wall of
the palace.
They finally arrive at Al's chamber where
he gives Speedy a fan club (Clubs him with a fan.) Al then tells them what he wanted to say- They all doomed. This gives them
an excellent spot to go to commercial.

That afternoon the city is under attack,
while the Big Cheese giddily watches his robot at work. This week’s model turns the citizens of Little Tokyo into sushi.
Lucille recognises the sushi pressing technique the robot is using to wow the crowd.

The Pizza Cats return to the parlour
to suit up (While Al worries that those idiots took his pizza) and they blast off.
The monster of the week continues its
rampage. Bad Bird explains that Wally (who's inside the robot) thinks he's in a sushi bar, and his actions are copied by the
robot. The Pizza Cats arrive on the scene.

Lucille is knocked over in the panic,
and the robot advances on her. Speedy and Guido distract it, while Polly gets Lucille to safety.
The monster soon gets hold of Guido and
embeds him in a cake of rice. Polly is powerless to call out to him as she forgot to brush her teeth, and her breath smells
awful. Lucille calls out to Wally, and the pizza cats find out the truth about the robot.

Bad Bird and his ninja crows engage Speedy
and Polly. Polly easily defeats Bad Bird's mooks, much to his annoyance. Guido manages to free himself from the rice and asks
Speedy how long he plans to fool around. Speedy and Bad Bird take the fight to ground level, as Guido enters the robot to
rescue Wally. Speedy destroys the robot with the Magical Ginzu sword. Bad Bird flies away to his dental appointment.

The Big Cheese blows his top, Lucille and Wally are reunited, and Speedy falls into the river, bringing this episode
to a happy ending.
