Returning to the Emporium from their defeat at the hands of the Rude Noise, the Pizza Cats are sent to meet Guru Lou.
Polly makes the observation that the bad guys always have a robot to help them out and Speedy decides to threaten the producer
of the show with a walkout unless the cats are given a robot of their own. The producer and writers quickly come up with a
compromise, but are unable to write the next scene, so the three cats are left to fly into the side of a mountain.

Bad Bird activates another feature of the Sunblock-16 – two large magnifying glasses on the fans which send solar beams
towards the Earth. Little Tokyo is turned into "a giant, solar powered wok", and Seymour and Jerry narrowly avoid being fried
by one of the beams.

At Mt. Coochiama, Polly is unable to contain her excitement of finally able to meet Guru Lou (who seems to have quite the
reputation) and accidentally pushes Speedy of the side of a rather large cliff. Lou appears but refuses to build a robot for
the cats since he doesn't run a "non-profit public service". An irate Polly uses her own means of 'persuasion' to change his

Lou tells the Pizza Cats that there's only one way to convince him to help them, but they have to guess what it is. After
begging, whining, crying, cleaning, cooking and sucking up, the three are at a loss of what to do and Speedy gives up. This
turns out to be the one way Lou was looking for – he now knows that the cats really need his help.

However, the Pizza Cats now have to pass "the excruciating clothes pin test" to prove they're worthy of the robot. Lou challenges
them to a game of poker, and appears to have won until Polly produces a Royal Flush to beat him. The four set off in a hot
air balloon, and Lou reveals that the robot is hidden atop of Mt. Coochiama inside a giant statue.

Meanwhile, Bad Bird, who has been keeping an eye on the Pizza Cats, isn't fooled by "the old trick of hiding a robot in a
statue". He casts a shadow over the mountain with the Sunblock-16 and after being taunted by the cats on Earth, angrily fires
solar beams at them. The Rude Noise make a return and engage our heroes in battle.

In the ensuing chaos, Speedy's sword becomes embedded in the statue's forehead and splits it in half. The Supreme Catatonic
is revealed and dispatches the Rude Noise. It also launches the three Goony Birds who transform to give the Pizza Cats their
'extra topping armour'. With these new resources, the cats are finally able to deal with Bad Bird in space. Polly and Guido
do some "disarming", whilst Speedy finishes the robot off. Bad Bird is sent tumbling back to Earth.

Upon defeat, the Big Cheese has his usual tantrum, whilst Jerry labels Guru Lou a "phony" for taking credit of building
a robot he only found. The cats return to the top of the mountain to celebrate their victory, whilst Lou ponders about future
