When a giant, mysterious statue suddenly appears in Little Tokyo, a crowd of curious locals, including Speedy, gather
to investigate the matter. A shady salesman (who looks suspiciously like a certain Ninja Crow commander) announces that the
statue is 'The Golden Cluck', who supposedly can tell fortunes and grant wishes - for a fee of course.

Speedy calls shenanigans, but is shocked with the rest of the crowd when an old man's bad back is cured by the statue. Suddenly
convinced, the crowd rushes forward to buy tickets. An upset Speedy finds himself and his delivery squashed into the ground.
He sadly makes his way back to the Emporium, not noticing the old couple from before being paid off by a ninja crow.

Polly doesn't take Speedy's excuses well, and sets him to clean the washroom as punishment. He makes an even bigger mess whilst
daydreaming over his wish to be with Lucielle.

The Golden Cluck proves to be a hit with the residents of Little Tokyo and tourists, unaware that the whole thing is
the Big Cheese's newest money-grabbing scheme. Seymour happily proclaims he'll be 'the wealthiest cartoon character on Earth'
. Speedy finds a ticket in the streets, but is set upon by Guido and a fight breaks out.
Francine is unimpressed to later find Guido tied up with the trash at the Pizza Palour, Speedy is crushed when 'his'
ticket doesn't have enough credit for his wish to be granted, and The Big Cheese is overjoyed to be able to use The Golden
Cluck as a Trojan Horse to rob one of the city's richest residents.

Upon seeing a ninja crow leave Monkeybags' property, Speedy quickly captures and interrogates the hapless bird. Big Al
is informed of Seymour's plans and quickly orders the Pizza Cats into action. Fran prepares for launch (not lunch!) whilst
asking the city to vote 'No' on the latest Noise Pollution Initiative.

Polly and Guido can't resist talking themselves up during their entrance. The cats give the ninja crows a good beating,
but are shocked when the Golden Cluck splits open to reveal an octopus-like robot. Bad Bird gloats about the bad guys having
"the neatest monsters" and our heroes are quickly captured by its many arms.

Speedy sends for back-up, which arrives shortly in the form of General Catton. His cannons make short work of robots tentacles.
Bad Bird attempts to retreat, but an angry Speedy sends a well aimed Cat's Eye Slash after him, whilst critisizing the city's
"spineless criminal justice system".

The ninja crows are sent flying from the resulting explosion, whilst Bad Bird demands to renegotiate his contract. Cheese
has his usual hissy-fit, and Speedy continues his run of falling off something at the end of an episode.
