After racing to Lucile's teahouse, Speedy and Guido are disappointed to find that she has canceled their date to go on a shopping
spree. However the train she is traveling on is hijacked by Bad Bird, who keeps the passengers at bay by threatening them
with the ultimate punishment...
anyone who resists will not be invited to his birthday party.

Later, Polly reads an article to Speedy about the missing subway train. Guido bursts in to inform them about Lucile's disappearance.
Speedy puts two and two together, and the cats set out to explore the subway tunnels for the train and Lucile (despite Guido's
fears of monsters and UFOs, and Speedy's persistent questions about what's for dinner).

Bad Bird sets the captured passengers to work with a small squad of robots to dig an underground tunnel to the secret vault
underneath the royal palace. This is all part of The Big Cheese's latest plot- he plans to rob the vault and then buy the
Pizza Cats out of business.

Bad Bird makes the foolish mistake of upsetting Lucile not once, but twice, resulting in a couple of rocket showers. A runaway
missiles helps Polly locate the secret tunnel, and she suggests the cats investigate it for the train. Though at the appearance
of second missile, they decide to return to the tunnel later and try to outrun the projectile. After a small chase the explosion
blows the cats out of the subway and several stories above the city, before they come crashing back to the ground.

After a small rest and dinner, the Pizza Cats don their armour and head back to the tunnel, where Lucile's explosions have
uncovered the secret entrance to the vault. Bad Bird opens the door, but his excitement is short lived when he discovers that
the vault is full of goldfish, not gold. It turns out that the vault was made to store fish for a past shogun.

The cats make their entrance but Bad Bird insults Lucile again, resulting in a cave in. The ninja crows and robots retreat,
sealing their escape tunnel behind them and leaving the Pizza Cats and the passengers trapped. Speedy rings Francine via his
bell for help. Meowzma arrives by drilling a passage through the city bay, though he seems to forget about the water coming
in after him!

Meanwhile, due to Bad Bird's robots having no sense of direction, the ninja crows end up back where they started from and
a battle breaks out. Guido takes out several crows with some fancy dance moves, Polly hurls a volley of heart darts, and Meowzma
uses his 'Cyclone Spin' to clear up the remaining crows. Speedy takes on all four robots and turns them all into scrap metal
with a Cat's Eye Slash.

The episode ends with Seymour blowing his top, Lucile making some "new friends" and Speedy suggesting some new dinner